News from
2023 Recap. ASCNE Specialty- Ferrous BOS, Chili RWB. Ferrous receives her ATCH-III and open stock arena titles and Open Farm title on ducks.
Slider gets his Open Farm title on ducks, his ATCH IX and retires from agility. He now only works ducks and our goal for '24 is his advanced title for his PCH.
Chili is doing amazing things in agility, rally, and obedience.
Roo gets his TD and is awarded for helping to find a missing 5 year old with his S&R team. He also received his Cynosport Rally CH.
Harper gathering titles for her ATCH. Kindred Open stock titles, rally, and dock diving titles.
ASCA Nationals Bryan, TX Oct. 27-Nov. 4, 2017
'Slider' wins 6th place in MVA!!! Earns his started sheep and duck titles. Places 16th in Agility Finals. And wins High Combined in a Rally nationals Pre-Trial.
'Finn' and Debra St. Jacques win the ASCA Rally Finals
'Rio' wins Nationals Premier Bitch. Rio and Alexis win High In Trial Junior in agility Pre-Trial. They also win 4th place in Veterans class.
Feb. '23 Silder earns his ATCH-VIII
July '21 ASCA at the WASCUNY Sparkler, Ferrous earns her ASCA CD and REX and gets 2 Master Rally legs. Slider in Rally, wins HIT and High Combined x 2. Opie wins HIT x 2 and High Combined and gets a CDX bumper leg.
July '21 AKC trial at 3 weeks pregnant, Ferrous finishes her AKC CD & gets 2 legs toward her Rally advanced title.
June '21-ASCA Strock trial, Slider earns his Open Sheep and duck titles and Ferrous earns her Started sheep and duck titles. Ferrous also earns her agility Elite Jumpers Outstanding Performance title.
May '21- AKC Stock Trial Ferrous earns 1 PT leg on sheep and finishes her Started Duck Title.
April '21 - AKC Stock Trial Ferrous earns 2 Started duck legs. Slider earns 1 started sheep and 1 open duck leg.
March '21 ASCA Rally and obedience; Ferrous earns 2 legs toward her CD and her RE. Slider earns his CDX and wins High In Circuit for his combined obedience and rally scores.
AKC - Ferrous earns 2 CD legs and goes High In Trial in her second show.
February 2021 ASCNE trial; Opie and Jessie Meyer earn their RTCH (Rally Trial Champion). Another exciting title to see earned. Jessie and Opie are a premo team and I love to watch them.Opie also goes HIT.
Slider gets back to back High In Trial and High Combined awards. Ferrous earns her RA & RAX and first leg of her RE & REX titles.
December 2020 Finn and Deb St. Jacques get their ATCH-II. So exciting to see Deb was thrilled.
August '19 Slider is now RTCH-II and is invited to the 2019 Rally Finals. Slider ranked #7 in Rally for 2018.
July '19 WASCUNY Sparkler: Ferrous take back to back ASCA Majors. BOW for 3 points under BJ Leah Swatko and BOW BOB for 4 points under SBJ Sunday Miles. Thank you ladies for your recognition.
November '18 Silder earns his AKC CDX in 3 trials.
October '18 Slider wins MVA at Harvest Moon Mania show Westfield, MA. Feisty earns her Started Sheep title. "Finn" and Deb earn their ATCH, Deb's first ever!!

May '18 ATCH!! "Jess" Sunpiper's Mr. Majestic & Steve Conrow earn his ASCA Agility Trial Championship
April '18 Slider gets his RTCH rally trial champion in style going High Combined! And gets his first ODX obedience leg.
September '17 Wikki earns her WTCH and VCH! Our first bred Working Trial Champion and Versatility Champion. Congratulations Helen and Wikki.

August '17 Slider gets his AKC HT & PT on sheep. And gets his ATCH-II the next weekend.

July '17 Slider gets 2 Qs in ASCA Started sheep & ducks. Under the same judge so no title yet.

June '17 "Feisty" is now CKC Ch Sunpiper's True Grit. Finished her CKC Championship with a BOB and Group 3. Followed by 2 BOS awards. Congrats Helen!

March '17 Sunpiper Aussies is awarded ASCA HOF Kennel # 160. So honored and humbled by this award.

NYASA. Slider gets 5 QQ in Rally qualifying him for ASCA Rally finals. High In Trial and High Combined. Rio gets 2 Altered BOB under ASCA breeder judges.

November '16-Quebec; Slider makes a clean sweep of WD & BOW to start and finish his CKC Ch. Also gets 2 BOB & 1 BOS. He also gets his CKC CD in obedience.

October-Harvest Moon; Slider earns his ASCA Agility Trial Championship!!

July-WASCUNY Sparkler- Slider earns his RA & RAX with 2 firsts. A 199 & a perfect 200! He also earns his ASCA CD with a third place.

June-Finn, Sunpiper Beauwood Flyin' Finish earns his RTCH, Rally Trial Champion and is ranked 5th in Rally Finals. Very proud of Finn and Deb St. Jacques for their successes.
May 2015-Slider finished his ASCA CH under Sr. Breeder Judge Deb St. Jacques and the following day finishes his AKC CH will a major under Kenneth  Raynor. Special thanks to Sarah Crepeau for the excellent handling and care of Slider. She put 12 points on him in limited showing in 5 months. And thanks to Laura Liebenow for the final 5 points Sli needed for his ASCA CH so that I could stay home with puppies.

April 2015 Slider takes his 3rd ASCA major under J. Kelsey Jones. 2 points to finish.

March 2015-Whoo Hoo! Slider takes his 2nd AKC major in Syracuse with Sarah Crepeau. 2 points to go!

Slider earns his first 2 ASCA Advanced Rally legs, 1 X leg. And his first 2 Novice Obedience legs. And his ASCA BN.

February 2015- Slider earns his AKC Novice Fast title, and first Open Standard & Jumpers With Weaves Qs.

January 2015 - Slider takes RWD at the AKC USASA Regional Specialty in Novi, MI under Tom Coen out of an entry of 34 dogs! Slider receives an invitation for the 2nd AKC Rally National Competition.

November - Big E AKC Thanksgiving Cluster; Slider takes a 4 point major and BOW under Tom Coen. Expertly shown by Sarah Crepeau. Thank you Sarah and Mr. Coen for that win!! Rio earns her Excellent FAST title and 2 Master's Jumpers legs. 7th place both times beating 130 & 161 dogs!

Slider gets his AKC BN & RN in one weekend. And his 2nd ASCA BN leg.